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Teaching consent and early empowerment lessons on healthy boundaries

5 Books to Teach Body Autonomy To Kids

7 minute read, Written By: Momly

Teaching personal safety and consent, early on, is must. In today’s day and age, children are exposed to online media and subjected to lot of exposure from early age. Most of the times the screen time and the content they are watching is not supervised by adults. Children getting exposed to sensitive or age-inappropriate topics could spike curiosity and lead to unhealthy means to satisfy that curiosity. Engaging with them and keeping an open communication on matters related to body autonomy and the evolving needs of their body will allow them to put forward their thoughts and feelings with ease. Building a safe space at home is very important so that they come and talk on their observations and happenings at school or other places without shutting themselves in one corner.

Books are a great way to broach sensitive or a difficult subject like personal safety, consent, body awareness etc. Books carry the messages succinctly through words or illustrations which make it easier for parents to pick up the conversation. With pictures or infographics, children get more interested on the topics and show enthusiasm to learn more. Also, when parents sit and engage with them through books, they are more conversant and are able to articulate their thoughts more openly.

Educating Personal Safety – Need of the hour?

With child abuse rising every minute, it is a dire need to teach children personal safety and show them the ways to take care of their body. Healthy personal boundaries and safety hygiene 101 need to be educated using creative ways. By using the actual body parts names instead of vaguely answering or not teaching them the exact definition of private parts will raise curiosity when they grow up. Using age-appropriate words through drawing, illustrations, books will foster a safe environment and establish an honest participation in children. Educating personal safety to children will help prevent unsafe incidents and equip them with knowledge and strategies to deal with such situations in future.

Establishing a Safe Circle

Home is an inviolate space that children regard as safest in the world. Home is where the primary caregivers reside. Primary caregivers are their parents whom they regard as key members in the safe circle. While that is so, establishing a safe circle outside home is very important to guide the children when they are out of the confines of their homes. It could be teachers from school, parents of their classmates or friends, neighbors etc with whom you can trust your child and your child feel comfortable to confide in. Draw the safe circle and teach them the members who form the safe circle. Empowering with books and resources will strengthen their ability to deal with manipulation and child abuse when they are away from their safe circle.

Setting Body Boundaries: 5 Books to Empower the Young

Books on child safety and body autonomy should be gentle, suiting to the sensibilities of a child. Here is the list of 5 books which cater to both children and parents and allow a space for these difficult topics to sit comfortably between the two.

  • No Means No

This book teaches children to set personal boundaries and empower them to say no when they sense a breach of trust and invasion of privacy around them. The book is told using a little girl’s narrative with catchy pictures and empowers the children to understand their body rights and express them openly without fear or apprehension. Children can relate to a little girl’s narrative and it is easy to pick up the words and language expressed by the protagonist when they see the main character of their age.

  • My Body Belongs to Me


This one land straight home as it teaches children to treat their bodies as sacred and form an invisible circle so that others cannot enter the safe zone. A parental guide that serves as conversation starters and familiarizes one to pick up the phrases of unsafe touch and healthy boundaries to teach their children on how they can protect their body rights and combat sexual abuse. Told in an engaging and interesting way, this picture book will always have a soft corner in your child’s heart.

  • My Little Body Book

A ready reckoner on personal safety issues, My little Body Book, is a must have in your shelf. With charming and endearing illustrations, the author has given some simple, practical tips on self-care, body safety and establishing body boundaries for children to be aware of when they are interacting with the external environment. You can read aloud to your child and delve deeper using the information mentioned to empower them with more insights on personal safety.

  • Body Boundaries Make Me Stronger


This book is a transformational guide that talks about personal space, protecting private parts, and honouring consent. It enhances body awareness and confidence in children to adhere to their body rights and take charge of their safety at all times. This book calls for a read aloud with its captivating storyline and pictures. Little nick encounters situations that help him build resilience, awareness and know the difference between good and unsafe touch. Flowing in rhythm, this book becomes an emotional learning guide with sing song text.

  • Some Secrets Should Never Be Kept

Talking about the difference between secrets and surprises, how should one never keep the secrets from their parents and delving deeper on body positivity forms the main crux of this beautifully researched book. There are many takeaways for children especially how keeping secrets from their trusted caregivers can land them in problem and there is a freedom in speaking up. It is written for parents as well as children and promotes body awareness and emphasizes on a key message that it is not your fault and trusted caregivers can help if you do not keep any secrets from them.

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